San Bernardino County

little red

San Bernardino Animal Care Department contacted the Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue at the end of 2023 and asked for our help. Because of a new law that took effect in January 2024, counties that have wild donkey problems can work with legitimate, experienced nonprofits to safely and humanely remove them.

We were issued a Memorandum of Understanding that December 01, 2024. As a result PVDR caught 256 donkeys in a very short period of time. Two of those donkeys came from Reche Canyon, both were intact males with life threatening wounds to their legs and the rest were caught in and around the landfill off of Timoteo Canyon Road. Click here for the complete list of donkeys removed from San Bernardino County.

Peaceful Valley works with:
National Park Service
US Military
Bureau of Land Management
US Fish & Wildlife
US Forestry Service 

Peaceful Valley does not take money from any government agency.

A social media attack was launched against Peaceful Valley, our leadership and employees that was filled with misinformation and outright lies. Click here to read our official response written by COO Kim Elger.